Some people think that life would be awesome in a state of neutrality and indifference i.e. without emotions, but they will be lost because emotions are what motivate us to strive for self-betterment as we constantly strive for that peace. Picture a warrior who has been passed over for promotion several times, doesn’t enjoy the work anymore, but has stopped trying to get ahead and just learned to do the bare minimum to keep himself from getting yelled at. Is this what we call life?
In my view, the purpose of our life is to recognize the negative emotions, their effects and consequences, the futility of entertaining them, learning important lessons from them, and focusing on the positive emotions to evoke positive feelings and behaviors, to find happiness peace and emotional well being. Emotions are the power that drive us either forward or backwards depending on the polarity we plug into. For a comparative reference, some positive emotions are; blissfulness, compassion, euphoria, hopefulness and gratefulness etc. The negative ones are; anger, sadness, criticism, frustration, annoyance, rage etc. The truth is that sometimes, as much as we are held hostage to our emotions, caught in a roller coaster of joy and sorrows, I can’t really picture my life without them. The whole point of ‘’without emotions life will be unreasonable and vain’’ can’t be more right. You would have no true friends, relationships would be difficult, and you would lead a lonely life so what’s the point? What is this life without beautiful emotions, the emotions that actually make us feel alive? Life without emotions would be a world without colors. Nothing would matter and nothing would probably make sense and this will be painful. Finally, emotions the are heart’s paint brushes. A little bit of color can change the whole situation and no doubt, for a perfect painting, you do need a paintbrush!